
Пока не прослушал до конца, но вот часть того, что нашёл:

Andreas Vollenweider - Book Of Roses (1991)
The Grand Ball Of The Duljas

Andreas Vollenweider - Book Of Roses (1991)
Morning At Boma Park

Andreas Vollenweider
The Birds Of Tilmun

Luan Santana
Amigos pela fé

Carlos Santana
Flor D luna (moonflower)

Cirque Du Soleil (Quidam)

Cirque du Soleil
Rain One (Varekai)

Cirque du Soleil (Quidam)
Let me fall

Atmadja (Cirque Du Soleil)

Cirque Du Soleil (Quidam)
Steel Dream

Led Zeppelin
Stairway to Heaven

Led Zeppelin
Immigrant Song

Владимир Мееровский
Танго Смерти
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